Judge Robin Clute is Corrupt

Judge Robin Clute is Corrupt -
Do Your Homework.

If ANY Honest Attorney was Allowed to Practice in the State of Montana and Could Stand up to Robin Clute over her Protection by George Corn - Baucus and more, well they would easily prove that Robin Clute Breaks the Laws of the State of Montana, Robin Clute Violates Civil and Human Rights, and Judge Robin Clute is NOT Honorable.

If you know an Honest Attorney have them eMail me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com - Robin Clute violated my Civil Rights, Defamed Me, Endangered My Life and Violated my "Media" Rights. As well as Participated in a Montana Hate Crime - there is proof of pattern and history as well for a Federal RICO Lawsuit.

Also Check Out www.MontanaCorruption.com for What Judge Robin Clute DID to Me - Crystal L. Cox - MEDIA - Investigative Blogger.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Judicial Branch - 21st Judicial District - Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

"Courts of Limited Jurisdiction " - Robin Clute, Hamilton Montana Justice of the Peace has the Jurisdiction to ruin lives, Jurisdiction to Give Protective Orders NOT based in Law, Jurisdiction to make decisions not based in Fact - Proof - Evidence or Based on Montana Law

"Robin Clute, JP
205 Bedford, Suite F
Hamilton, MT 59840
375-6755; 375-6383 fax"


eMail your Judicial Branch - 21st Judicial District, Judge Robin Clute Complaint to me Crystal L. Cox, Investigtive Blogger at Crystal@CrystalCox.com

Why Does a Hamilton Montana Judge give an Illegal Protective Order against a Woman in Eureka Montana 2 Counties and 5 Hours Away? Neither Party lived in Hamilton Montana and I certainly only went there for the Corrupt Court Smack down of my Rights.

So who recruited Judge Robin Clute - Hamilton Montana Justice of the Peace to SHUT up a Montana Blogger? Was it George Corn protecting Lincoln County Corruption by Setting me up for something I did not do? Was George Corn and Robin Clute really upset with Michael Spreadbury and when Sean Boushie falsely connected me, Crystal L. Cox - Investigative Blogger

Why was Judge Robin Clute Chose to Harass, Defame, and Violate me? Was it because she would do whatever illegal activity George Corn told her to do. Judge Robin Clute sure was scripted that day, she let my Aggressor talk 45 minutes, she read the Complaint, admittedly for the first time in front of me, she let my stalker hear my Social Security Number.. she admitted no evidence that I brought or requested... Judge Robin Clute made her decision without reading the un "Sworn" complaint NOT based in Montana Law, and without looking at any evidence on my behalf though I was in danger of this man and still today he taunts me, has a hate blog threatening to shoot.. and I have just got another death threat.. that no one will investigate... and I have proved over 15 months of gathering haters.. it is a Hate Crime that he has participated in and has defamed and threatened me for all this time.. all the while protected by Hamilton Montana Judge Robin Clute.

Send your Robin Clute story to me

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